D5/D12 28.5mm Ball Mount Kit - 88001562

D5 and D12 28.5mm Ball Mount Kit
D5/12 Accessories:
- 88001562-Magswitch 28.5mm Ball Mount Kit Spec Sheet
- 88001562-Magswitch 28.5mm Ball Mount Kit Step File
D5/12 Downloads:
- 81401540-Magswitch D5 Spec Sheet
- 81401540-Magswitch D5 STEP File
- 88001581-Magswitch D5 W/Sensor Kit Step File
- 81401541-Magswitch D12 Spec Sheet
81401541-Magswitch D12 STEP File
- 88001584-Magswitch D12 W/Sensor Kit Step File
Magswitch Downloads:
- Automation Catalog
- MAC Declaration of Incorporation – Assembly Manual ( English | Spanish | German | French)